HAIRE in video LPB On the Road
LPB is a platform for working with a focus on neighbourhoods. They go on fieldtrips on a regular basis and visit neighbourhoods en communities throughout the Netherlands. One of the places they visited was ’s-Heerenhoek and they also came to talk to us about our project HAIRE. So we told them, amongst other things, about our collaboration with HZ University of Applied Sciences and walked them through the way we develop and deploy tools (guided conversations, neighbourhood analyses, network analyses) to gain insight into communities. That is how we find out more about the strengths a community has, but at the mean time it provides insight in what is lacking.
This method provides all kinds of great insights, but another big plus is the fact that it is a perfect excuse for people to meet and start a conversation. To us, that conversation represents a first, but important, step in the process of tackling social challenges together.
More info on HAIRE, ’s-Heerenhoek and communities in Zeeland to be seen in the wonderful video LPB On the Road video (in Dutch) below.
We work together.
#GGDZeeland #HZUniversityofAppliedSciences #HAIRE #LPBPlatformvoorwijkgerichtwerken #SMWO