on our minds

Here you find an overview of what is and what was on our minds. Interviews, fleeting thoughts, impressions, in-depth contemplations, pictures, talks, media coverage, videos, long-reads, short-reads, publications and more.

Water meet-up

A little while ago, we participated in a meet-up about how water (and rising sea levels) change the province of Zeeland...

26 May 2024
presentation We Got to Move

When to present a book about social innovation with as one of its most central themes the fact that you should always keep moving and keep changing and innovating? A book like that is never finished. And yet it was on Thursday 13 July when Hans de Bruin presented the online book ‘We Got to Move’.

8 September 2023
online book We Got to Move

The Social Theory forms the basis of just about anything we do within the Solidarity University. It is a theory that embraces change and movement and is therefore hard to capture in words or text, let alone in the shape of a publication. That is why we decided to make it an online book in which new and advancing insights can be incorporated. Its title references the necessity to start moving and be open for change: We Got to Move.

5 September 2023
HAIRE Exchange Day

Although the HAIRE project is finished, we are, of course not quite finished with it yet. The project is just too huge for that. We are still in touch with the people from ’s-Heerenhoek who were involved in HAIRE, for instance. And we are also still in touch with our international project partners. That is one of the reasons why there was a great exchange day at the end of June. We welcomed a large delegation from Belgium. In our neighbouring country, a HAIRE project was set up in the municipality of Laakdal.

21 July 2023
EMPOWERCARE final days and final report

After three years, the international part of the EMPOWERCARE project is coming to an end. Currently, we as a project team are busy with the final stages of that part of the project. This feels like a good time to tell you about some of the results and about the things we learned along the way and we would like to thank all parties involved.

29 March 2023