on our minds

Here you find an overview of what is and what was on our minds. Interviews, fleeting thoughts, impressions, in-depth contemplations, pictures, talks, media coverage, videos, long-reads, short-reads, publications and more.

everything fell into place during Smerdiek Zorgt

Smerdiek Zorgt. Where to start? Some days everything just falls into place and that was definitely what happened on 10 January during Smerdiek Zorgt regarding public interest, enthusiastic reactions and rounding of the EMPOWERCARE project as a whole.

19 January 2023
big knowledge database update (and all about an unforgettable co-creation session)

Recently, we organised a public co-creation session which turned out to be a day filled with moments of recognition, both for us and the participants. It was a momentous occasion we had really been looking forward to. It was more than just sharing experiences; what became clear for all parties involved, was just what can be achieved by sharing experiences (and therefore shared knowledge). Participants had very direct insight into their own contribution to the project as a whole. Or, as participant Martien Luteijn put it into words: “It was truly great to see people realise: ‘I can make a valid and vital contribution to all this’.”

2 November 2022
on the social theory and how we work – an extensive talk with Petra and Hans

The Social Theory forms the basis for the Solidarity University’s work method. The theory can be found in all of the Solidarity University’s projects (in the nature of the projects but also in how these projects are approached). The fact that these projects are all about people and how they interact with one another and the fact that there is a lot of room for reflection and self-reflection as well as learning about learning … All that goes right back to the Social Theory.

12 May 2022
conversations and analyses

We are currently busy conducting many conversations for HAIRE. Together with volunteers and professionals we talk to people at home (guided conversations) and in groups (neighbourhood analyses) about things that matter in their neighbourhood or village.

11 April 2022
photovoice method in practice

The Tuus in Smerdiek initiative works hard on connecting (the inhabitants of) the village of Sint- Maartensdijk. They now use the Photovoice method to see what connects people in the village.

5 April 2022
brand new EMPOWERCARE video

Ever wonder what the EMPOWERCARE project is about? Then you should definitely take a look at the new video that was made to explain just that.

29 November 2021