online book We Got to Move

You can read the book in a linear fashion, but it is also absolutely fine to choose your own (crisscross) reading order while cherry picking the parts that apply to you or that catch your attention. And if there are parts that you wish to reread, you can go back to them. Or keep eight tabs open at the same time – whatever works best for you. All this means that you can dive deep into the theory, but if you just want to find out fast how to approach a project, the book is for you as well.

The Social Theory
So, that is how you can read the book, now over to the more important question: why should you read the book. Within the book you will find an extensive explanation of the Social Theory and how it can be applied to all kinds of ‘wicked problems’ which means that you can facilitate widely supported change processes for societal challenges. The main goal in this is joint learning which is to result in desirable and sustainable solutions. The theory behind all this is immensely interesting and you can dive as deep as you wish to dive into it.

At its core, this is what it is about:

Axiom: we got to move;
Injunction 1: Create room for change;
Injunction 2: Determine the right direction.

We got to move, but without room, movement is impossible. Room for change can be created by recognizing and acknowledging each other’s worldviews. When doing so, you have to look beyond the surface and not just focus on how people or organisations act, but instead look at deeper motivations, i.e., a person’s identity or an organisation’s culture.

These basics of the Social Theory also form the basis for all projects we are involved in. Additionally, we teach others how to work on the basis of these ideas.

The propositions and the most simple basics of the Social Theory you can read in the text above, will, no doubt, raise questions and that is a good thing. With this cliffhanger we would very much like to invite you to start reading We got to move.

here you can find the online book We got to move