the area-specific approach and how we use it in our work

Lately, we have been involved in many area-specific project and we will continue this for some time to come as well. We work in (and on) areas where seemingly differing interests are at play and where an area-specific approach is needed to handle the challenges the area is faced with. All these places are unique and have their own local parties (with their own interests). In short: every area is different. And yet, basically, the area-specific approach often works the same wherever you are. Bringing various parties together and using the Social Innovation Approach in order to make a joint inventory of the situation. Our starting point always is: how can we shape the area and at the same time learn how to work well together with such an approach.

Not only do we (together with all kinds of interested parties) look into what is at play, what interests there are and what directions and options there are to further develop the area (or not develop it at all). We come to supported solutions and in addition to this, we learn together so that we can work well together in other areas as well.

A great example of a project with an area-specific approach is the Welzinge en Schorerpolder area. We got to talk about this project in an interview in the Scheldemagazine. You can find the online magazine via this link. Please note, that the interview is in Dutch. You can also take a look at the screenshots below this article, although they are, of course, not as pretty as the original.