Minor Fit for the Future

Together with HZ University of Applied Sciences  we developed the minor Fit for the Future (FftF) specifically for professionals. Its aim is to support them in the development of tools that help them to handle their role in complex social issues better.

The idea behind FftF is that participants develop Facilitator of Change competencies that enable them to make progress in complex social issues. Facilitators of Change make an impact by finding desired and strategic improvements and involving others in these changes. They have a broad understanding of the challenge and the various interests and points of view of the participants. Participants take part with their own professional role as a basis (for instance): specialist, entrepreneur, (project) manager, researcher or process manager.

our role

Fit for the Future is the result of a cooperation between HZ University of Applied Sciences and the Solidarity University. The Solidarity University plays a role in content development and process management.



on the social theory and how we work – an extensive talk with Petra and Hans

The Social Theory forms the basis for the Solidarity University’s work method. The theory can be found in all of the Solidarity University’s projects (in the nature of the projects but also in how these projects are approached). The fact that these projects are all about people and how they interact with one another and the fact that there is a lot of room for reflection and self-reflection as well as learning about learning … All that goes right back to the Social Theory.

12 May 2022