Here you find an overview of what is and what was on our minds. Interviews, fleeting thoughts, impressions, in-depth contemplations, pictures, talks, media coverage, videos, long-reads, short-reads, publications and more.
Lately, we have been involved in many area-specific project and we will do so fors ome time to come as well. We work in (and on) areas where seemingly differing interests are at play and where an area-specific approach is needed to handle the challenges the area is faced with.
Martien Luteijn is at the basis of lots of things that happen within Solidarity University. He gives direction, shape and depth to our projects. If we, or he, would have to label his job, we would call it ‘art director’ and that is about right, but somehow that label has come loose a bit and every now and then, we might want to switch it for another one. And that right there is the reason we set out to talk to Martien. To thoroughly explore his work and to see if we can discuss what his work entails without boxing everything in too tightly.
Martien Luteijn staat aan de basis van veel wat er gebeurt binnen de Solidarity University. Hij geeft richting, vorm en diepte aan projecten. Als wij of hij een sticker op zijn functie moeten plakken noemen we het ‘art director’ en dat klopt wel, maar ergens zit de sticker ook een beetje los en is er eigenlijk af en toe een ander plakplaatje nodig. Dat is dan ook eigenlijk dé reden dat we met Martien gingen praten. Om zijn werk eens goed uit te diepen en om te kijken of we het over de inhoud van zijn werk kunnen hebben zonder te veel in labeltjes te denken.
The transformation from care to health is a complicated change process. It demands a different use of available means (money and professionals) and more focus on prevention and people’s own responsibilities as well as a different way of organising collaboration between inhabitants, volunteers and professionals. Positief Gezond Innoveren (Positive Healthy Innovation) will address these challenges in various learning environments on local practical initiatives in order to discover how we can set this large movement in motion. While doing so, we link with existing initiatives which are monitored and, in a way, used as pilot projects.
What do you do after you have won an award? After winning the Eo Wijersstichting’s 2022-23 contest for the Mid Zeeland region we continued working on the plans with which we had gained the award in the first place. The Solidarity University (part of the winning team) contributed to this project.
On Wednesday 15 May, there will be a meet-up on ‘Hoe het water Zeeland opnieuw verandert’ (How water changes Zeeland again) in ZB (the Middelburg branche of Zeeland’s library).
Every now and then we look back and feel rather good about ourselves and our work. We still visit Sint-Maartensdijk because of the Tuus in Smerdiek initiative which was instigated during the EMPOWERCARE project. And it is quite something that has been accomplished in the village.
Within our I-KNOW-HOW project, we work closely together with Westerlicht (an organisation that has set up centres for people who have (had) cancer). 27 September is an important day for Westerlicht. That is when their various locations will be digitally connected by means of screens.